Fears and Phobias

Hypnotherapy for Fears and Phobias

Suffering from a Fear of Phobia can be life limiting experiencing those painful emotions. It can feel like that fear or phobia is ruling you after all you have no control and when it comes you find yourself freezing unable to do anything or suffering from panic attacks at the sight or thought of it. Maybe it’s the sweating, heart racing, feeling faint moment when you come across a spider or that you have to walk flights upon flights of stairs because the panic attack of getting in a lift is just too much. You might be unable to give that talk at work or university for fear of embarrassing yourself and losing it in front of your peers.

Maybe it’s stopped you going on the holiday you’ve always dreamed of or applying for that promotion for fear of public speaking. Trying your best to tell yourself you’ll be fine and other people telling you to “just get over it” leaves you feeling hopeless. You may have spoken to your doctor about it or tried talk therapy only to find it a temporary measure or it just didn’t make a difference.

At My Hypnotherapist Perth we have helped many people like you with our quick and easy technique meaning you can be phobia free in just 1 hour. Achieving your goal painlessly and effectively so that it can become a thing of the past.

During your complimentary phone consultation we will identify the best plan so that we tailor the therapy to your needs. We can then arrange an appointment at a time that is suitable for you.

No more fear, start living now!

Common Fears and Phobias Include:

  • Spiders
  • Snakes
  • Flying
  • Needles
  • Enclosed spaces
  • Heights
  • The dark
  • Open water
  • Public speaking
  • Excessive germs
Book Free Consultation Now

How it Works?

Step 1

Free phone consultation where we’ll discuss your goals and make a plan for achieving them. Often only one session is needed and we can assess that during this call.

Next Step

Step 2

Initial appointment which will involve taking some background information and using the most effective technique for releasing fears in phobias which in most cases works in one session

Next Step

Step 3

Follow up appointment/s rarely needed but occasionally in the case of PTSD. We will track your progress and tailor the session to your needs all the while working towards the initial goal. Between sessions support is given where required via messages and follow ups after therapy has discontinued.

Next Step

Call Nikki now on 0429 558 228 and arrange your FREE strategy session. You won’t regret it!

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